These greentop guidelines contain a section specifically for GPs. Read p 25, Appendix Vai for a summary of how GPs can help. GPCPC has worked with the guideline authors to make the advice as simple as possible.
Useful Resources
There are a huge number of respected books/websites/papers on perinatal care. Below is a selection of texts, including documents produced by GPCPC that may be useful for both GPs and patients or their families.
We will try to keep this list up-to-date. If there is anything that you think should be added, updated or changed please contact [email protected]
E-learning for Healthcare: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Maternal Health
E-learning from NHS England to support physicians and healthcare workers caring for pregnant and recently pregnant women. Please note this module was previously named ‘Medical Problems in Pregnancy’ (as cited by the Three P’s in a Pod infographic).
Three P’s in a Pod
An infographic to raise awareness that every other day a pregnant or recently pregnant woman dies in the UK and 2/3 of the deaths are due to medical or mental health conditions, not the pregnancy.
NICE Guideline [NG247]: Maternal and child nutrition- nutrition and weight management in pregnancy, and nutrition in children up to 5 years (January 2025)
This guideline updates and replaces NICE PH11 and PH27. It covers nutrition and weight management in pregnancy for anyone who may become pregnant, is planning to become pregnant or is already pregnant, and nutrition in children up to 5 years. Care of babies and children born preterm or with low birth weight is not covered. The guideline does not give detailed advice on what constitutes a healthy diet. GPCPC contributed as a stakeholder to consultation on the content of this guideline.