Useful Resources
There are a huge number of respected books/websites/papers on perinatal care. Below is a selection of texts, including documents produced by GPCPC that may be useful for both GPs and patients or their families.
We will try to keep this list up-to-date. If there is anything that you think should be added, updated or changed please contact [email protected]
Antenatal and postnatal mental health NICE guideline CG192. Practical implications for GPs.
Document for GPs and other staff who work in primary care or universal services summarising the implementation of NICE guideline CG192.
RCGP Position Statement on Perinatal Mental Health
The RCGP has produced a position statement regarding treatment of parents with mental health issues during the perinatal period. Created as part of the RCGP’s Clinical Priority programme, the College presents a series of recommendations for GPs, commissioners, and NHS England to support women facing perinatal mental illness.
Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP): Essential Knowledge for Preventing Maternal Suicide
The Alex Baish Memorial Lecture 2023: a free webinar for GPs, midwives, antenatal educators and frontline health professionals.
RCGP Mental Health Toolkit: Perinatal and menstrual cycle health
Clinical guidelines, resources, patient information and further reading for GPs.
Birth Trauma Association
Charity that supports women who suffer birth trauma – a shorthand term for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after birth.
Maternal OCD
Charity co-founded by two mothers who have experienced and recovered from extreme perinatal obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). It is a debilitating anxiety disorder which is treatable.